There are very limited, dense city center districts in DE, quite well done in terms of different game styles. Prague in Deus dosen't have cyberpunk vibe. open world: I love everything about Nigh City, it's design, scope, mood. Combat rifles, pistols etc are always the same but you can pimp them a little with upgrades and modyfications (scopes, muzels), different kind of ammo (regular, armor piercing, EMP).
Game dosen't throw at you dozens of guns with different stats and varitaions. It's far more realistic and in the tone of PnP CP. weapons: I love the idea of weapons in DE very much. combat: In both games player can become full ranged killing machine with augmentations (implants) like dermal armor, bullet-time but in CP melee is more developed with katanas, blunts and implants. It's fun to play this way, it uses 3rd person perspective during sneaks (to clarify I like 1st person in CP too). DE is more stealth oriented, non lethal take downs have great animations. stealth: both games share simillar ideas. Hacking minigame is very nicely done, much better than CP version but it takes more time, skills and planing. No quick hacks on enemies, no mage-like play style with over powered, one hitting spells. hacking: in DE you can only hack computers, locks and terminals. Here are my modest thoughs about mechanics of both games: I played CP2077 as stealth hacker and decided to play DE in similar way. I remeber that it had outstanding promotion campain back then but wasn't as well recived as previous part. Played first game when it came out in 2000, same with Human Revolution in 2011 but skiped MD because of mixed reviews when it debuted in 2017. After spending 100+ hours with CP, finishing corpo path, seing all endings, cleaning whole map from markers I didn’t want to abandon this kind of setting so decided to give a try to Deus Ex: Menkind Divided. Waited for CyberPunk 2077 since the first reveal trailer. I've been fan of PnP CyberPunk 2020 since 1995.