
How loud should drums be in a mix
How loud should drums be in a mix

how loud should drums be in a mix

Each of these had a greater noise floor than the kind we experience today in digital recording. That’s because signals would be recorded through multiple pieces of analogue equipment. Well, in the days of analogue, recording with hot signals really was the best way to achieve a high signal to noise ratio. So where does the notion that we need to record as loudly as possible without clipping come from?

how loud should drums be in a mix

The ‘noise floor’ refers to the internal electronic sound present in any piece of electronic equipment.

how loud should drums be in a mix

In this instance, the sound you want to capture is the instrument being recorded, and the unwanted sound is something called the ‘noise floor’. Signal to noise ratio refers to the level of the sound that you want to capture relative to the unwanted sound. This premise is that you should achieve a ‘high signal to noise ratio’. When you start to look into the subject of recording audio, you’ll quickly come across one premise in particular. It will also give you a reliable method for setting proper audio recording levels. This article will explain where this confusion comes from. Meanwhile, others tell you that one of the biggest mistakes you can make is to record your signals too loudly. Many resources tell you to record signals as loudly as you can without clipping. Do you feel confused by all of the contradictory information out there about how loud you should be recording? It seems that there’s a great deal of confusion about just how loud you should set your levels to record.

How loud should drums be in a mix